Deciding to change an existing logo is a matter to be dealt with carefully. Recognition of the original “Look” of the brand is key. Once we had defined the key elements of the brand Highlands as:

Historical Country House, 5 Star Comfort, Good old-fashioned Service, Consistency of Experience.

We briefed the designers to rework the old, somewhat flat heraldic approach. The various steps and options shown below lead us to the final logo approach where the main elements have been retained and re-interpreted. The typography itself is clear, legible and easily replicated, the lions are more clearly defined, the anchor is attached to give it purpose and depth and the use of colour picks out the 5 stars. In the finalised version the shells, which were felt to be irrelevant, were replaced with flower pots. Highlands is still in possession of 3 original terracotta pots that were shipped from Italy to the first owner Sir Malcom Searle around 1905.


Redefining the brand’s appearance was an important step in demonstrating a new era for the staff and the clients, many of whom returned regularly to enjoy Highland’s unique brand of hospitality.

The extension of the Highland’s offering to cover the growing corporate market for accommodation and conferencing meant that these aspects needed to be included in the new Highlands look.

The beautiful gardens and the newly opened Baker Room provided the perfect opportunity to approach the wedding and private function market.

Using a consistent layout and key visual of the house itself enhances the recognition of Highlands in a highly competitive market. The brand Highlands is further strengthened by the tonality of the printed materials which underline the intended personalised approach and 5 star quality expectations.

Of course the actual experience must be consistent with the one promised. Overpromise or the mis-matching of brand promise and delivery is a sure way to lose credibility and ultimately weaken the brand franchise.